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6th Symposium on Archaeomaterials Studies


From stone age, bronze age to iron age, civilizations progressed through utilizing new materials. Therefore, the research on archaeological materials and their crafting procedures paves the way to decode development of civilizations.


The Institute of Cultural Heritage and History of Science and Technology at the University of Science and Technology Beijing launched serial symposiums on archaeomaterials studies in 2016. We aim to facilitate communications and interdisciplinary cooperation for researchers on archaeology, history of science, and on social sciences and natural sciences broadly defined. The symposiums are expected to envision future orientations and to address key issues in the research of archaeological materials.


This year we hold the sixth symposium, with financial support from the Belt and Road project from China Association for Science and Technology. Themed with “Advances in Archaeomaterials: establishing a new platform,” we invite renowned scholars and junior researchers from multiple disciplinary fields to discuss the production of archaeomaterials, their uses and impacts on societies. A special panel is organized for the newly launched journal Advances in Archaeomaterials. Welcome to join us!

本次会议为系列会议的第六届,得到中国科协“一带一路”国际科技合作项目的资助。会议将以“古代材料研究进展:搭建新的平台”为主题,邀请多位领域内国际知名专家和青年学者共同研讨古代材料的生产、使用及其社会影响,并就《古代材料研究进展》(Advances in Archaeomaterials)的期刊建设进行专题讨论。欢迎学界同仁积极参会